About Vietnam

Vietnam is the country located in the Southeast Asia, the Indochina area.A Vietnamese area is the size that Kyushu cut from the Japanese area.
Counttry : the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Population : about 92,700,000
Area : 330000square kilometers
Capital : Hanoi(73,300,000 people)
Goverment : Socialism
The state head (Nguyen Phu Trong)
The Communist Party head clerk (Nguyen Phu Trong)
The capital (Nguyen Xuan Phuc)
Official language : Vietnam , English , Franch,China, Russia
Industry : The export of the rice is the second prize in Vietnam in the world.
Faith : Buddhism(80% People)
Money : VND
The climate of the subtropical zone , There are four seasons.
May -October : It is stifling, there is much rain.
November-February : There is much drizzle, it is chilly.
1. The Chinese influence of Vietnam is better than Indian culture.
2. There are not hot spicy and habit.
3. It is the seasoning which salt and soy sauce were used for in Hanoi.
Rice is the most delicious.
4 . They use chopsticks. French bread, coffee, pudding, etc.